Pump it up
/You have no idea how happy this makes me. When I open the fridge and see a row of bottles filled with breast milk I just jump for joy, it makes me SO happy!
Our hungry hungry hippo is now tipping the scale at 11.7lbs and is consistently eating 4+ ounces every 3 hours during the day. With his steady weight gain, we no longer have to fortify any bottles with formula, hooray! Just mom juice for Santi. So that means I have to make more milk than ever to guarantee he can eat.
It's amazing how the universe gives you exactly what you need, exactly
when you need it. After a few scares of my milk production decreasing, I'm finally making enough to be several feeds ahead of him and freeze some for later.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to have milk production issues. I have seen 5 lactation consultants over the past 2 months and I've learned so much. Here are my tips to keeping and boosting your milk production if you're pumping, but I'm sure these work for nursing moms too.
- Pump, pump, pump! Nothing can substitute or stimulate more milk production than pumping 8-10 times a day. The lactation consultants will tell you this from day one, you'll try to find a short cut but there isn't one. You MUST commit to pumping. Make it your job, make it your biggest priority!
- For heart moms: When Santi was in the hospital I took a few short videos on my phone of him crying. When I'd go home at night I'd watch the videos while I pumped, I called it "pumping porn," it helped so much. Just hearing your little love cry will get the milk going.
- Use a hospital grade pump. Rent one from the hospital or buy one, check eBay! Getting the Medela Symphony was a game changer for me. It has made the biggest impact on my production. Yes, a hospital grade pump is expensive, $1500 if bought new, but a year on formula is even more expensive $2500-$3500+.
- Most pumps have two modes, first it stimulates for 2 minutes then it switches to the stronger suction. As soon as it switches to the strong suction turn up the suction until it hurts then take it down one notch. This is advice from an LC and it works great!
- Use the second "let down" feature on your pump.
- If you're nursing, use your pump after you feed your baby. This tells your body that the baby is still hungry and you need to make more milk.
- You can take Fenugreek, Mothers Milk pills and drink lactation stimulating tea, but don't rely on it. Remember, nothing can substitute for actually pumping.
- Take care of yourself! Stay hydrated, eat enough calories and get rest when you can. I usually eat a snack and drink 20oz of water while I pump and another 20oz when I'm done. Plus, I just drink water all the time anyway. As much as I want to lose the baby weight, I do not restrict calories at all. Feeding my baby Santi more important. Sleep when you can. Sometimes I'm in bed as early as 8 or 9pm, depending on his schedule. Because I know I'll be up with him again at midnight and again at 4 or 5am.
Gosh, I've learned so much! This is probably TMI but I just pumped a record amount while writing this, 5oz on each side for 10oz total, holy moly! So maybe thinking about producing a lot while you're pumping works too!