A quick romp
/Last Thursday, Abe and I had our first, and much needed, date night since Santi was born. Abe's parents were here to watch him, so after putting him to bed, we went to Universal Studios, which is less than 5 minutes from our house.
We were so nervous to leave our babylove for the first time. We knew Abe's parents would have everything under control, but we couldn't help but be nervous that he'd wake up or that something would happen. We made a conscious effort to relax. We did and we had a great time.
We got there with a little over an hour before they closed. So it was a quick romp through the park, to say the least. We both enjoyed a beer and rode two rides, The Simpsons and Transformers.
Grandma Coco and Grandpa Rick are great babysitters. Santi never even woke up!