Six days to go

I've said it before and I'll say it again, living at the hospital is strange. But I honestly don't mind it, so I guess I'm strange too.

Abe and I joke that it's kinda like being in jail, at summer camp and part of a research experiment all rolled in to one. I spend all day in our room (jail/research experiment), with the exception of an occasional jaunt down to the cafeteria (camp!). I always wait until Santi is sound asleep before sneaking out and the few minutes I'm gone are fill with anxiety that he's going to wake up and scream his face off. That's only happened once. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about being in our room all day. I stay by choice. The antisocial part of me finds comfort in the fact that I have nowhere to go and no one to see. I walked across the street to Vons yesterday to get a deli sandwich and I felt like an alien. It was weird to be around that many people. I couldn't get back to my room fast enough. Aside from all the people freaking me out, fresh air and sunshine soothed my soul.

Sometimes I pretend like I'm in jail, I roll out my yoga mat (they have those in jail, right?) and I try to see how many push ups I can do. I can only do that was a fun 20 seconds of make believe. Other times I roll out my mat and actually do yoga. Having my mat here has been the best distraction. Santi usually takes a long nap in the morning, like an hour and a half or so, and that's when I take some time to clear my mind, focus on my breath and work out the kinks.

Today is the 4th of July and I will not be sad for one second that I'm not sitting in traffic or surrounded by people drunk with patriotism. I'll be eating ice cream in my room looking for fireworks from my window. Six days to go!