Cath Update

Leaving your baby in the operating room is the worst feeling!

We checked in at 9:30 this morning, went through the standard series of paperwork and waiting rooms until 11am. Despite having his last bottle of milk at 5am, Santi was doing great...until it was time for his vitals.

He is terrified of having his blood pressure, height and weight taken! We powered through it and he was back to his playful self by the time we got to pre-op. A nurse came to get us and escorted us directly to the operating room. We took him in and spoke with the doctors. The anesthesiologist had me lay him on the table and we held his hand while he was given gas to fall asleep. Once his screams through the mask subsided, they told us it was time to go.

It is SO HARD to leave the room. Handing your child over is bad, but waiting to hear from the doctor is the worst!

At 2:30 we heard from the nurse. "He's in recovery and everything went well, the doctor will be out to see you in 30 minutes." At 3pm, on the dot, the team found us in the waiting room. "Everything went great!" She said. Whew, Such a relief!!

Santi is in recovery now, but we won't be able to see him for another hour or so.
They closed two large collaterals that were putting stress on his right ventricle, making it work harder. He did not have any narrowing, so no ballooning was needed. They also confirmed that his left ventricle is unusable and he is not a bi-ventricle candidate.
He and I will stay here tonight and he should be released in the morning.