/Post-Fontan! I can't even write that without tears.
Make no mistake. They are tears of joy! I hear all the heart mamas clapping, shouting, celebrating and cheering for us as I say,
Freakin' post-fontan you guys!! Since the day he was born we have wondered if he would make it to the Fontan. Some kids don't. If we would ever jump this hurdle that has been on our calendar and in the back of our minds for years.
When I was pregnant and received Santi's HLHS diagnosis, they tell you about the "3 surgery process" for transforming your child's heart into a functioning single ventricle. Just to be clear, he will never have a left ventricle.
First, there's the Norwood, which they have as a newborn. Santi was 4 days old for his.
Pre-Norwood. No scar!
Post-Norwood. 2 weeks old
Then, there's the Glenn, which happens around 6 months old. Being an overachiever, Santi had his at 3.5 months. Prefaced by a 22 day hospital stay for a blood infection and 3.5 months on continuous oxygen. That was fun.
Post- Glenn. 4 months old
Finally, they tell you about the Fontan. The third and "final" procedure for HLHSers. The Fontan usually happens at age 3 or 33lbs. My dude is on the fast track once again. He's 2.5 years old and 31.2lbs. (I say "final" because it's only final for the lucky ones. So many HLHS kids have to endure many more.)
After the Fontan? So what's next? LIVE LIFE! Not that we haven't been living a fabulous life with Santi. We have. But it's a whole new world not having something like open heart surgery looming over you.
We are facing a few rough weeks of recovery, but we can handle that.