/A lot of heart babies have trouble eating and gaining weight. That is the main reason I have to fortify most of his bottles throughout the day. I need to make sure he's getting enough calories.
At Santi's doctor appointment last week, he really alarmed his doctor with his weight...and not because he's not gaining enough. They're worried he's gaining too much! Can you believe it?! He gained a pound in the week and a half between his appointments. This concerns them because if he gains too much, too fast his heart will have to work even harder to support his bigger body.
On Monday we met with a dietician. She told me to only fortify 2 bottles a day from now on, preferably from my morning pumping session. Why from the morning sesh you ask? Because your first pump of the day yields the most milk, yet the lowest calorie milk...who knew.
His next appointment is on 5/23, we'll see if we can slow his roll a bit. By the way, How insane is his hair? It's out of control!