
We are approaching the end of the first 24 hours post-op. I'm happy to say they have been 24 uneventful hours. That's a good thing in the hospital world!

I slept at home (our LA home) last night for the first time in 22 nights. Now that I've gotten 9 hours of beautiful, peaceful, uninterrupted sleep, I can actually compose some coherent thoughts!

Santi is swollen, especially his head. He's sedated. He has a breathing tube, chest tubes, multiple IVs and a urine catheter. He is on medicines that I can barely pronounce, not to mention spell. But overall, he's stable and he is exactly were he should be. The only goal for today is to extubate. And I don't even want them to rush that. When the breathing tube comes out, I want them to be sure it will stay out.

We still have some hurdles to overcome but I have faith that our little Santini will surpass everyone's expectations. I can't wait to have him back in my arms!