Hospital life - day 12
/First things first, Santi is doing great. Do I overuse the word "great" when describing how he's doing? Probably. He's wonderful, he's fantastic, he's outstanding! Definitely back to his old self, maybe even sweeter and cuter than before.
Life in the hospital is strange. You'd think that time drags on. Oddly, it doesn't. The days are flying by. If all goes as planned we'll be released on 7/10. That means today is day 12 of 20...we're past the half way mark! During the day we live in 3 hour increments of eating, sleeping, pooping and playing.
Santi is now exempt from the midnight and 4am vitals, so we are both sleeping through the night, kinda. He's not doing as well as he was before this little adventure. But he's doing pretty good. He's had one night of 7.5 hours of sleep and one incredible night of 9 hours. His current pattern goes like this, bath and bottle around 9pm, asleep by 9:30pm. Wakes up around 2am for a bottle. Then back to sleep by 2:30am until 7am. I'll take it!
Exactly two years ago I was in Yosemite doing my first Vipassana. Vipassana is a 10 day silent mediation. No talking, no reading, no writing, no exercising, etc. Just meditating in silence from 4:30am to 9pm. Your probably thinking "oh my goodness that sounds like torture!" But I loved it and I look forward to doing it again someday. I'm thinking about that experience right now because I must have done it to prepare me for this experience.
But it's not like I'm alone. Abe and his parents have been here everyday. My parents visited this weekend. And between my phone, iPad and yoga mat I have plenty to keep me entertained.
I'm relaxed, I'm smiling and I'm making the most of this unique bonding experience with my son.